Chrysalis East - Additional Funding Announced

The London Academy of Excellence Tottenham (LAET) is delighted to announce additional funding from Rokos Capital Management (RCM) for the academy’s Chrysalis East project.
The £75,000 commitment from RCM comes on top of the £3 million funding provided by
them over five years to advance the educational opportunities for young people from one of London’s most marginalised communities. The Chrysalis East project, now in its third year, is already increasing the number of young people in Tottenham progressing to the most selective universities or on to apprenticeship pathways. The project provides effective partnership teaching by specialists at LAET, who work alongside colleagues at local primary and secondary schools. The additional funding will create more capacity to individualise the support on offer that can make a transformational difference to outcomes for students in the local area.
Monica Duncan, headteacher at Duke’s Aldridge Academy said that the Chrysalis East
Programme “has impacted significantly in Duke’s by enabling us to extend, enrich and
enhance the learning experience for our students across all year groups. The diverse
programme of resources, experiences and partnership work with Duke’s and the CE
programme serves to promote LAET as a hub within reach of all students in the immediate community. We look forward to the sustained programme continuing to benefit all Duke’s stakeholders.”
Director of Chrysalis East, Helen Drummond said “it’s a privilege to work with a funder like RCM who has invested for a long-term and sustainable impact. The first donation is
allowing us to work with local pupils and their families from primary school through to year 11 on a number of initiatives, from careers clubs to maths extension classes, university trips to theatre trips and even a literary magazine. We want to encourage creativity, confidence and a feeling of belonging within academic settings for all young people in Tottenham. The reality for many schools though is that even with an amazing programme on offer, their capacity to collaborate has been reduced by rising costs, difficulties in staff recruitment, growing inequalities caused by COVID and a cost of living crisis that is increasing student need. This extra tranche of funding allows us to support schools through this time and ensure that we can reach those young people at risk of being further marginalised.”
LAE Tottenham Headteacher, Jan Balon said “we cannot thank Rokos Capital Management enough for their support of the Chrysalis East programme. It is a model example of how to target resources for a sustained period of time and it is immensely gratifying to see the significant impact on young people, who are so deserving of the opportunities provided”.