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Proudly sponsored by

Highgate Tottenham Hotspur
The Sunday Times Schools Guide 2021 - Sixth Form College of the Year

Friends of Tottenham

To recognise those who pledge ongoing support to our community, we are launching the Friends of Tottenham. Regular gifts - of any size -  help us plan for the future in these uncertain times.

The Friends of Tottenham recognises those who support LAE Tottenham with a regular monthly or Annual gift - of any size. 

Our students have the potential to do great things: last year, over 70% of our students achieved A*/B at A-Level and many went on to study at Oxbridge and other Russell Group universities.

We don't want circumstances to prevent current, or future, students from achieving their potential. School closures - even for a relatively short period - have a greater effect on students at LAE Tottenham than on their middle-class peers. We do not want coronavirus to squander the talent of a generation. 

Regular donations help us plan for the future and ensure that we can continue to offer academic and pastoral support to our students in the months and years to come.

With Gift Aid…

  • A gift of £10 a month, together with 10 others, would buy 150 additional books a year for the school library

  • A gift of £50 a month, together with 33 others, would allow us to employ an academic coach

  • A gift of £150 a month, together with 22 others, could fund the equivalent of one teacher’s salary, thus allowing a reduction in class size from 24 to 20, improving the educational experience and outcomes for each student

All recurring donations are processed by GoCardless, and you can make a regular gift safely and securely below

* I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference

LAE Tottenham will receive your name, address and email address along with the value of your donation in order to process Gift Aid claims and to ensure compliance with its Donations Policy. We treat all donations as confidential and would never share your details within anyone outside of the Fundraising Team without your explicit consent.

Your gift, whatever its size, is important to us. To show how much we value your support, Friends of Tottenham will receive regular communications about your support, an invitation to our annual Donors’ Evening and a listing on our online donor recognition wall.

For a confidential conversation about supporting LAE Tottenham, please email Ginevra Earle, Fundraising Lead, at